Note from the Publisher

The unique syntax, punctuation and capitalization in The Autobiography of Daniel J. Isengart are in meticulous homage. We encourage readers to compare the work at hand with
Gertrude Stein's The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas.

Chapter 1: Before I came to New York

Daniel J. Isengart in Munich, 1991
"I led a fairly uninteresting life, I had no inspiration, much boredom many worries, my life was miserably empty and I suffered but did not know how to find a way out of it."

The Three Geniuses: Filip Noterdaeme, Joey Arias and Meow Meow
"The three people of whom I wish to speak are Filip Noterdaeme, Joey Arias and Meow Meow. I have met many talented people, I have met some brilliant people but I have only known three first class geniuses and in each case on sight within me something rang. In no one of the three cases have I been mistaken. In this way my new full life began."

Chapter 2: My Arrival in New York

Evee Lynn, Promotional Shot for "La Plume De Ma Tante", Broadway Show, NYC 1959
"Another thing Evee Lynn liked to say was, in life what you must do is give and give and then give some more and then you are on your deathbed and somebody will come and say you did not give enough."

Daniel J. Isengart as a Cater Waiter, NYC,ca. 1996
"I always say that working as a cater waiter gives one the feeling that life is one half party and one half cleanup."

Daniel J. Isengart at The Duplex Theatre, NYC 1997 (Photo by Keith Hargreaves)
"It was at about that time that I did my first solo show, Mind and Matter, at a little cabaret for beginners, the Duplex in the West Village. It was a tormenting process."

Daniel J. Isengart's Cookie Production, NYC 1998
"I began preparing and selling them, thousands of them, from my little home kitchen. I worked tirelessly. There was the baking and glazing and then the packaging in hand-painted boxes and the delivery on my bicycle. It was good experience but after one very busy tiring Christmas season I was ready for a life without cookies again. But Daniel, some american friends said to me, quite simply all you have to do is hire workers to do it all for you and pay them as little as possible. This did not interest me."

Daniel J. Isengart with Joey Arias and Flotilla DeBarge, Backstage at Bar d'O, NYC 1999
"Seeing Joey Arias perform for the first time was, as I always say, the beginning of my understanding of mixing the frivolous with the profound in cabaret. Hitherto I had been concerned with earnestness and expression. Joey Arias's performance taught me to see the importance of style and artifice."

Terry Brown Jr., ca. 1998
"The next week Filip Noterdaeme came to see Tender is the Night with his long-time friend Terry Brown Jr. He was a conservative republican homosexual who delighted in good company, especially the company of goodlooking young men. He was not a literary type. (...) Terry Brown Jr. was also a passionate cabaret aficionado who had known the incomparable Hildegarde and made his fortune as an interior decorator for Leona Helmsley and Lena Horne, caring little for the former and much for the latter."

The Pussy Painting, 1991
"This, [Filip Noterdaeme] said, is the painting that got me expelled from art school. He added, I call it the Pussy Painting and, do you like it. I said, it certainly is good product placement. Filip Noterdaeme laughed. Then he explained how the Pussy Painting was a fusion of two famous paintings, Courbet's L'origine du monde and Magritte's La trahison des images, and the only self-portrait he had kept from his art school days. It was enormously interesting but that night I must admit I was more interested in Filip Noterdaeme's groin."
To find out more about the Pussy Painting, click here.

To continue to Chapter 3, click here.

The Autobiography of Daniel J. Isengart is available in local bookstores and on AMAZON.