<br/>Photo: Russel Gera / Director Noterdaeme at HoMu BKLYN 
Director Noterdaeme at HoMu BKLYN
Photo: Russel Gera

From the Director

I live, eat, drink, sleep and make love in the Homeless Museum. My partner, Madame Butterfly, a recovering suicidal geisha, is in charge of the museum's Café, and Florence, a coyote from the Adirondacks, handles Public Relations.

Our visitors are offered a guided audio tour, served hard-boiled eggs and curried mussels, and given full access to the Archives & Meteorology Department. During opening hours, I am usually holding court in the Staff & Security Department, talking art and politics while lying in bed.

As of today, due to the cardinal forces of landlordism, the Homeless Museum can no longer open its doors to the public. To console me, Madame Butterfly has bought me two "permanent visitors": a couple of beautiful, male mannequins dressed up in chic white clothes. Frozen in time, they are giving the museum their undivided attention, which delights me to no end.

There's no place like HoMu.

Filip Noterdaeme
Brooklyn, New York, April 1, 2007